1.1 Articolo in rivista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 476.309
EU - Europa 224.100
AS - Asia 122.247
SA - Sud America 4.204
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1.198
AF - Africa 788
OC - Oceania 619
Totale 829.465
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 474.294
IT - Italia 60.633
CN - Cina 55.381
DE - Germania 55.124
VN - Vietnam 45.802
UA - Ucraina 34.812
SE - Svezia 14.217
GB - Regno Unito 14.003
FI - Finlandia 13.057
SG - Singapore 12.689
IE - Irlanda 12.087
FR - Francia 4.710
RU - Federazione Russa 4.640
BE - Belgio 3.907
BR - Brasile 3.009
IN - India 1.454
JP - Giappone 1.409
CA - Canada 1.337
EU - Europa 1.116
ES - Italia 1.099
PL - Polonia 980
IR - Iran 964
NL - Olanda 868
KR - Corea 768
TR - Turchia 768
AU - Australia 492
MX - Messico 442
RO - Romania 419
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 411
CH - Svizzera 403
EE - Estonia 370
PT - Portogallo 358
AT - Austria 338
HK - Hong Kong 333
ID - Indonesia 311
PK - Pakistan 290
AR - Argentina 268
GR - Grecia 248
TH - Thailandia 247
CL - Cile 235
CO - Colombia 230
PE - Perù 212
MY - Malesia 199
TW - Taiwan 199
IL - Israele 186
LT - Lituania 183
PH - Filippine 162
EG - Egitto 153
DK - Danimarca 149
HU - Ungheria 143
BG - Bulgaria 138
EC - Ecuador 135
NO - Norvegia 129
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 125
MA - Marocco 123
ZA - Sudafrica 122
LV - Lettonia 110
KG - Kirghizistan 101
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 101
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 99
AZ - Azerbaigian 91
SA - Arabia Saudita 90
LU - Lussemburgo 77
LK - Sri Lanka 73
HR - Croazia 71
GE - Georgia 69
DZ - Algeria 65
PA - Panama 63
TN - Tunisia 63
KZ - Kazakistan 57
AL - Albania 56
AM - Armenia 56
BD - Bangladesh 56
CR - Costa Rica 56
RS - Serbia 55
A1 - Anonimo 54
JO - Giordania 53
BO - Bolivia 51
SI - Slovenia 51
CY - Cipro 48
IQ - Iraq 47
UZ - Uzbekistan 43
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 40
NG - Nigeria 38
MD - Moldavia 36
VE - Venezuela 31
BY - Bielorussia 30
KE - Kenya 30
UG - Uganda 28
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 26
KH - Cambogia 22
LY - Libia 21
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 21
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 19
PR - Porto Rico 18
SN - Senegal 17
CI - Costa d'Avorio 16
GT - Guatemala 16
PY - Paraguay 16
UY - Uruguay 16
Totale 829.078
Città #
Fairfield 59.132
Dong Ket 45.602
Chandler 43.744
Jacksonville 41.627
Houston 41.129
Woodbridge 38.014
Ashburn 25.471
Wilmington 25.007
Seattle 23.939
Dearborn 22.978
Ann Arbor 20.898
Cambridge 19.726
Nanjing 12.575
Dublin 11.961
Falkenstein 10.135
Singapore 8.562
Beijing 8.105
Princeton 7.939
Lawrence 7.823
Helsinki 6.863
Nanchang 5.779
Boardman 5.647
Rome 4.705
Kunming 4.531
Brussels 3.649
Milan 3.625
Des Moines 3.587
Teramo 3.413
New York 3.400
San Diego 2.924
San Mateo 2.240
Hangzhou 1.920
Düsseldorf 1.909
Hefei 1.852
Shanghai 1.579
Tianjin 1.539
Guangzhou 1.476
Dormagen 1.466
Tokyo 1.162
Jinan 1.099
London 1.049
Los Angeles 1.044
Shenyang 1.044
Redwood City 1.015
Dallas 1.005
Lanzhou 987
Norwalk 976
Changchun 956
Naples 853
Munich 848
Shenzhen 829
Bologna 798
Pescara 733
Florence 685
Orange 635
Bari 634
Palermo 617
Zhengzhou 609
Turin 556
Fuzhou 513
Padova 511
Jiaxing 499
Roseto Degli Abruzzi 486
Ottawa 483
Kraków 482
Ningbo 476
Hounslow 472
Napoli 471
Falls Church 445
Hebei 443
Mountain View 439
Torino 430
Moscow 426
Kilburn 417
Leawood 414
Lappeenranta 406
Changsha 373
Catania 360
Tallinn 342
Toronto 335
Auburn Hills 330
Taizhou 326
Hanover 300
Chengdu 292
Verona 288
Wuhan 266
L'aquila 263
Zanjan 259
Xi'an 257
Washington 252
Tappahannock 248
Mumbai 238
Paris 237
Augusta 228
Parma 228
Pune 228
Brno 224
Andover 221
Chieti 219
Wuxi 217
Totale 568.949
Nome #
India e Inghilterra allo specchio. Un ritratto post-imperiale di Tom Stoppard 2.220
Red Blood cell distribution width in dogs with chronic degenerative valvular disease 1.352
La protezione diplomatica di società dopo la sentenza concernente la Barcelona Traction 1.348
Diagnostic Imaging of Gastrointestinal Tumours in Dogs and Cats: A Review 1.256
COVID-19, A Principle of Precaution-Based Approach 1.232
Potential human health risks associated with animal retroviruses: Some hypotheses 658
Mast cell tumor destruction by deionized water 651
Alkylation of carbonyl compounds in water: formation of C-C and C-O bonds in the presence of surfactants 642
Phylogenetic relationships of Habronema microstoma and Habronema muscae (Nematoda, Habronematoidea) within the order Spirurida inferred using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene analysis 556
Accumulation of mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic in swordfish and bluefin tuna from the Mediterranean sea: a comparative study 552
“Lex Publilia de sponsu” e “lex Poetelia Papiria de nexis”. Un’ipotesi di connessione 544
Crimini internazionali ed immunità degli Stati dalla giurisdizione nella sentenza Ferrini 538
Aree interne e tourism transition: nuove pratiche turistiche e riorganizzazione dell’offerta in funzione della rivitalizzazione. 532
Il project management nello sport. Elementi di programmazione e controllo di eventi sportivi 509
La sindrome metabolica nel cane 503
Pisello proteico e favino: valutazioni di varietà in semina autunnale e confronto tra le specie 493
Private equity firms and management control: the framing of shareholder-oriented practices 468
Posizioni di garanzia e colpa di organizzazione nel diritto penale del lavoro 444
L'evoluzione della politica fiscale dell'Unione europea 443
Type-1 cannabinoid receptors reduce membrane fluidity of capacitated boar sperm by impairing their activation by bicarbonate 439
Luteinizing hormone inhibits potassium outward currents in swine granulosa cells by intracellular calcium mobilization 427
"Tra utopia e ideologia. Controllo e potere del linguaggio in 1984 di G. Orwell" 424
Binae nuptiae et bina sponsalia 417
L'attuazione in Italia degli obblighi internazionali di repressione della tortura 409
Bounds on the Capacity of the Unidirectional Channels 405
First case of clinical cat aelurostrongylosis in the brazilian amazon: Clinical and molecular insights 401
Border disease degli ovini-caprini" Nota sull'isolamento e caratterizzazione del virus in Italia 394
17-AAG and Apoptosis, Autophagy, and Mitophagy in Canine Osteosarcoma Cell Lines. 394
Active endocannabinoids are secreted on extracellular membrane vesicles 392
Le “sentinelle del male”. L’invenzione del criminale nemico della società tra naturalismo giuridico e normativismo psichiatrico 386
Prediction of the salt content from water activity analysis in dry-cured ham. 384
The Impact of the EU-ETS on the Aviation Sector: Competitive Effects of Abatement Efforts by Airlines 380
The role of endocannabinoids in gonadal function and fertility along the evolutionary axis. 378
Effects of cocaine in 5-lipoxygenase-deficient mice 361
Il rabdomiosarcoma nel cane 357
Il riparto di giurisdizione in materia di ingresso, soggiorno e allontanamento dello straniero dal territorio dello Stato italiano 357
Rodlet cells in teleosts: new insight into their nature and functions 355
Efficient m-ary balanced codes which are invariant under symbol permutation 351
Effects of a single injection of Flunixin meglumine or Carprofen postpartum on haematological parameters, productive performance and fertility of dairy cattle 345
Preservation of the wild European mouflon: the first example of genetic management using a complete program of reproductive biotechnologies 340
Consumi alimentari e innovazione: gli alimenti funzionali 335
A survey on bacteria isolated as hydrogen sulfide- producers from marine fish 333
Le misure finanziarie e tributarie per il finanziamento del patrimonio culturale nell’esperienza brasiliana: spunti per un’analisi comparata tra Brasile, Francia e Italia 333
La «lex Cornelia de sponsu» e la mancata menzione dei «fideiussores» in Gai 3.124 329
Placenta Stem Cells from Domestic Animals: Translational Potential and Clinical Relevance 328
1. Cibo e diritto in età romana - Antologia di fonti. 2. I piaceri della tavola in Roma antica - Tra alimentazione e diritto. 327
Chirurgia endoscopica nel trattamento della tenosinovite asettica della guaina digitale nel cavallo: studio retrospettivo di 33 casi 324
Adhesion properties of food-associated Lactobacillus plantarum strains on human intestinal epithelial cells and modulation of IL-8 release 323
Il “cantore della rettitudine evangelica e cattolica”. Gesuiti interpreti di Dante nel Risorgimento 321
Asymmetric nuclear reprogramming in somatic cell nuclear transfer? 319
Stem cell therapy of tendinopathies: suggestions from veterinary medicine. 313
Case study: myopathy of the Gracilis muscle in three German sheperd dogs 312
Effects of the enzymatic hydrolysis treatment on functional and antioxidant properties of quinoa protein acid-induced gels 311
La bolla Ite vos di Leone X: lettura ed esegesi di un atto di separazione tra Francescani Conventuali e Osservanti 310
Diffusione di Capillaria aerophila (sin. Eucoleus aerophilus) nel cane e nel gatto in centro Italia 308
Empirical Markov Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian analysis of fMRI data 308
Sull’obbligo della ritenuta alla fonte per l’assegno di mantenimento: condizioni e termini quando le somme sono corrisposte da un terzo. 308
Pathology and immunohistochemical findings of West Nile virus infection in Psittaciformes 307
“Strategic patenting e diritto della concorrenza: riflessioni a margine della vicenda Ratiopharm-Pfizer” 304
Wheat classification according to its origin by an implemented volatile organic compounds analysis 302
Competition and Intellectual Property protection in the market for the provision of multi-territorial licensing of online rights in musical works. Lights and shadows of the new European Directive 2014/26/EU 300
Selective solid phase extraction of JWH synthetic cannabinoids by using computationally designed peptides 299
Effect of diet supplementation with Ascophyllum nodosum on cow milk composition and microbiota 295
Ciclo estrale nell'asina di Martina Franca: osservazioni comportamentali ed ecografiche 295
Freeze-dried spermatozoa: An alternative biobanking option for endangered species 295
L’evoluzione della normativa comunitaria dei prodotti a marchio DOP, IGP, STG 294
Avian Influenza H5N8 Outbreak in African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus), Namibia, 2019 293
Change in the relevance of cost information and costing systems: evidence from two Italian surveys 292
Il contratto di pilotaggio 291
Evidence for non-adrenergic non-cholinergic contractile responses in bovine and swine trachea 287
Development and Validation of a Method for the Determination of Quinolones in Muscle and Eggs by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry 287
The income stabilization tool: Assessing the hypothesis of a national mutual fund in Italy 287
What does the Kamila Valieva case teach us? Some considerations about the new WADA regulation on protected persons 286
MiR-196a expression in human and canine osteosarcomas: A comparative study. 286
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of an Imidacloprid 10 % / Moxidectin 1 % Spot-on Formulation (Advocate®, Advantage® Multi) in Cats Naturally Infected with Capillaria aerophila 286
Legge e interpretazione: considerazioni sul "feticismo della legge, in Saggi in onore di Ernesto Fagiani 285
"American consumers facing inflation, 1965-1979: The economists' accounts". 281
3D-CFD simulation of catalytic filter candles for particulate abatement and tar and methane steam reforming inside the freeboard of a gasifier 280
Electrodeposited Prussian Blue on carbon black modified disposable electrodes for direct enzyme-free H2O2 sensing in a Parkinson’s disease in vitro model 275
Orcas and PCBs 275
Response of Pink Lady® apples to postharvest application of 1-methylcyclopropene as a function of applied dose, maturity at harvest, storage time and controlled atmosphere storage 274
Editorial: Foodborne pathogens: Hygiene and safety 274
New method for simultaneous species-specific identification of equine strongyles (Nematoda, Strongylida) by Reverse Line Blot hybridization 272
5-Lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 in the lungs of pigs naturally affected by enzootic pneumonia and porcine pleuropneumonia 272
Membrane lipids are key-modulators of the endocannabinoid-hydrolase FAAH 272
Amniotic epithelial stem cell biocompatibility for electrospun poly(lactide-co-glycolide), poly(ε-caprolactone), poly(lactic acid) scaffolds 271
RNA sequencing-based whole-transcriptome analysis of friesian cattle fed with grape pomace-supplemented diet 271
3,3′,5,5′-Tetramethylbenzidine as electrochemical substrate for horseradish peroxidase based enzyme immunoassays. A comparative study 268
Foreign arrivals nowcasting in Italy with Google Trends data 268
Inflammatory bowel disease mimicking alimentary lymphosarcoma in a cat 264
Thelazia callipaeda (Spirurida, Thelaziidae) in wild animals: report of new host species and ecological implications 262
2-Arachidonoylglycerol enhances platelet formation from human megakaryoblasts 262
Molecular Modifications of β-Lactoglobulin upon Exposure to High Pressure 261
5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-2 in porcine parasitic bronchopneumonia: immunohistochemical and biochemical investigations. 261
Graphene oxide affects in vitro fertilization outcome by interacting with sperm membrane in an animal model 261
In vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Cannabis sativa L. cv ʻFutura 75ʼ essential oil 261
Totale 40.791

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020120.463 0 0 0 0 15.251 26.221 23.194 21.146 10.040 11.597 4.253 8.761
2020/2021155.114 5.199 10.849 8.694 4.883 10.526 12.398 10.676 10.387 14.327 3.825 14.973 48.377
2021/202282.061 4.996 8.728 6.967 9.180 6.027 3.458 2.990 9.731 4.609 4.003 18.440 2.932
2022/2023128.531 18.242 5.654 2.568 12.910 13.557 25.190 1.481 11.691 21.158 7.371 6.246 2.463
2023/202445.972 5.513 6.861 6.114 3.280 2.479 5.849 3.019 2.954 574 2.816 2.493 4.020
2024/202549.336 4.602 6.123 13.864 18.056 6.691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 844.161