This paper, in reconstructing the regulation contained in Article 243- bis of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006, aims to verify its compatibility with Articles 1227 of the Civil Code and 24, 103 and 113 of the Constitution insofar as it appears to be a norm of intersection between substantive and procedural law. In particular, after having shown some aspects of dubious interpretation in terms of positive law, we tried to assess whether Article 243-bis quoted is liable to create a situation of obligation (or loss) on the private individual to allow a decision in the courts likely to affect damages and costs. In conclusion, we have tried to highlight the dubious compatibility of the reference to art. 1227 CC, at least with reference to paragraph 1, insofar as it does not seem acceptable that non-use of the period of self-defense of the administration, in favor of the constitutionally guaranteed right of judicial protection - furthermore to be requested in a very restricted time - could create improper conduct that might contribute to the creation of the damage. On closer inspection, however, also the reference to paragraph 2 of article. 1227 of the Civil Code creates more than a little perplexity. Finally, Article. 243-bis appears of doubtful compatibility with Articles. 24, 103 and 113 of the Constitution. in that it requires an excessively exhaustive undertaking on the part of the private individual, exposing and limiting the freedom of choice of the best defense and procedural strategy.
Il presente saggio, nel ricostruire la disciplina positiva recata dall’art. 243-bis del D.Lgs. n. 163/2006, mira a verificarne la compatibilità con gli artt. 1227 c.c. e 24, 103 e 113 Cost. in quanto appare una norma di intersezione tra il diritto sostanziale e processuale. In particolare, dopo aver illustrato alcuni aspetti di dubbia interpretazione sul piano del diritto positivo, si è cercato di valutare se l’art. 243-bis citato sia idoneo a creare una situazione di obbligo (od onere) in capo al privato che consenta una pronuncia in sede giurisdizionale atta a incidere sul risarcimento del danno e sulle spese di giudizio. In conclusione si è cercato di rilevare la dubbia compatibilità del richiamo all’art. 1227 c.c., quantomeno con riferimento al comma 1, in quanto non sembra condivisibile che il mancato stimolo dell’esercizio di autotutela dell’amministrazione, a favore del diritto costituzionalmente garantito della tutela processuale - peraltro da richiedere in tempi assai ristretti -, possa ingenerare un comportamento colposo in grado di concorrere alla formazione del danno. A ben vedere, però, anche il richiamo al comma 2 dell’art. 1227 c.c. lascia più di qualche perplessità. Infine, l’art. 243-bis appare di dubbia compatibilità anche con gli artt. 24, 103 e 113 cost. in quanto impone un’attività eccessivamente defatigante in capo al privato, esponendolo e limitandone la libertà di difesa e di scelta della migliore strategia processuale.
L'informativa in ordine all'intento di proporre ricorso giurisdizionale ex art. 243-bis d.lgs. 163/2006: norma sovrabbondante
Scoca S
This paper, in reconstructing the regulation contained in Article 243- bis of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006, aims to verify its compatibility with Articles 1227 of the Civil Code and 24, 103 and 113 of the Constitution insofar as it appears to be a norm of intersection between substantive and procedural law. In particular, after having shown some aspects of dubious interpretation in terms of positive law, we tried to assess whether Article 243-bis quoted is liable to create a situation of obligation (or loss) on the private individual to allow a decision in the courts likely to affect damages and costs. In conclusion, we have tried to highlight the dubious compatibility of the reference to art. 1227 CC, at least with reference to paragraph 1, insofar as it does not seem acceptable that non-use of the period of self-defense of the administration, in favor of the constitutionally guaranteed right of judicial protection - furthermore to be requested in a very restricted time - could create improper conduct that might contribute to the creation of the damage. On closer inspection, however, also the reference to paragraph 2 of article. 1227 of the Civil Code creates more than a little perplexity. Finally, Article. 243-bis appears of doubtful compatibility with Articles. 24, 103 and 113 of the Constitution. in that it requires an excessively exhaustive undertaking on the part of the private individual, exposing and limiting the freedom of choice of the best defense and procedural strategy.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.