The link between Rubens and Genoa was determined, during his Italian sojourn, by the intense diplomatic relations between the city and the Duchy of Mantua, during the years when Vincenzo I Gonzaga was its prince. As is well known, Nicolò Pallavicino was the duke's main banker, but he was not the only referent. Through a systematic perusal of the documents preserved in the Mantuan State Archives, published for the first time in this essay, the dense network of contacts that Vincenzo Gonzaga was able to weave with the Genoese nobility is reconstructed: in exchange for privileges and concessions of fiefs, the Duke of Mantua could count on the availability of certain members of the most illustrious Ligurian families who offered their services, diplomatic or military, and often their finances and real estate. For example, the correspondence with Francesco Marini, an aristocrat who hosted Vincenzo at his home in Antwerp in 1599 and who advanced money for Vincenzo's needs on occasion, must be seen in this system of mutual exchange. Of a military nature, on the other hand, are the requests made to Ettore Spinola, who in 1604 offered a handful of soldiers to be placed under the service of the Duchy of Mantua. These are two examples of the many relationships that unravel through the letters in the Gonzaga archive fund, also involving well-known names such as the Flemish army commander Ambrogio Spinola.
Il legame tra Rubens e Genova fu determinato, durante il soggiorno italiano, dagli intensi rapporti diplomatici tra la città e il ducato di Mantova, negli anni in cui Vincenzo I Gonzaga ne fu principe. Come è noto, Nicolò Pallavicino fu il principale banchiere del duca, ma non fu il solo referente. Attraverso uno spoglio sistematico dei documenti conservati presso l’Archivio di Stato di Mantova, per la prima volta pubblicati nel saggio, si ricostruisce la fitta rete di contatti che Vincenzo Gonzaga seppe intrecciare con la nobiltà genovese: in cambio di privilegi e concessioni di feudi, il duca di Mantova poteva contare sulla disponibilità di alcuni membri delle più illustri famiglie liguri che offrivano in cambio i loro servigi, diplomatici o militari, e, spesso, le loro finanze e il loro patrimonio immobiliare. In tale sistema di mutuo scambio, deve inquadrarsi, per esempio, l’epistolario intercorso con Francesco Marini, aristocratico che nel 1599 aveva ospitato Vincenzo presso la sua casa ad Anversa e che anticipava all’occasione denaro per i bisogni di Vincenzo. Di natura militare, invece, sono le richieste fatte a Ettore Spinola, che nel 1604 offrì un manipolo di soldati da porre sotto il servizio del ducato di Mantova. Questi sono due esempi delle tante relazioni che, attraverso le lettere del fondo archivistico Gonzaga, si dipanano coinvolgendo anche nomi molto noti, come il comandante dell’esercito fiammingo Ambrogio Spinola.
Notizie inedite dall'Archivio Gonzaga di Mantova: i rapporti tra il duca Vincenzo e il patriziato genovese (1600-1608)
Cecilia Paolini
The link between Rubens and Genoa was determined, during his Italian sojourn, by the intense diplomatic relations between the city and the Duchy of Mantua, during the years when Vincenzo I Gonzaga was its prince. As is well known, Nicolò Pallavicino was the duke's main banker, but he was not the only referent. Through a systematic perusal of the documents preserved in the Mantuan State Archives, published for the first time in this essay, the dense network of contacts that Vincenzo Gonzaga was able to weave with the Genoese nobility is reconstructed: in exchange for privileges and concessions of fiefs, the Duke of Mantua could count on the availability of certain members of the most illustrious Ligurian families who offered their services, diplomatic or military, and often their finances and real estate. For example, the correspondence with Francesco Marini, an aristocrat who hosted Vincenzo at his home in Antwerp in 1599 and who advanced money for Vincenzo's needs on occasion, must be seen in this system of mutual exchange. Of a military nature, on the other hand, are the requests made to Ettore Spinola, who in 1604 offered a handful of soldiers to be placed under the service of the Duchy of Mantua. These are two examples of the many relationships that unravel through the letters in the Gonzaga archive fund, also involving well-known names such as the Flemish army commander Ambrogio Spinola.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.