The lighthouse is a structure, usually a tower, equipped at the top of a system capable of emit- ting light signals of help and reference in navigation, consisting of a lamp and a system of lenses. Lighthouses are the most important of maritime signals. They are located near landing sites, dangerous places or other places where it is useful to have a significant point perceptible at a long distance during coastal navigation. They are clearly marked on nautical charts which also show their focal height, together with the characteristics of the light signal emitted which identifies them uniquely. They are certainly human engineering feats and heroic works, which remain so even in times of radar, satellite systems, computers and GPS. However, it is precisely because of these technological innovations that they are becoming obsolete and we are witness- ing the disappearance of the figure of the guardians. These structures may seem immortal and incorruptible by the elements, but without maintenance they gradually crumble and even collapse. Able to fascinate and influence painters, writers and directors, today the lighthouses are more and more automated, but they continue to fascinate women and men who would gladly undertake a career as a pharaoh. Or more prosaically, they would choose a lighthouse as a destination for an eco-sustainable holiday, for an elite segment of experiential seaside tourism.
Il faro è una struttura normalmente composta da una torre dotata alla sommità di un sistema costituito da una lampada e un insieme di lenti capace di emettere segnali lu- minosi di aiuto e di riferimento nella navigazione. I fari rappresentano i più importanti segnalamenti marittimi e sono situati in prossimità di luoghi di attracco, di luoghi peri- colosi o di altri luoghi ove sia utile avere un punto di riferimento percepibile a distanza elevata durante la navigazione costiera. Sono chiaramente segnati sulle carte nautiche che ne riportano anche l’altezza focale, assieme alle caratteristiche del segnale luminoso emesso che li individua in modo univoco. Di certo sono imprese d’ingegneria umana e opere eroiche, che rimangono tali anche in tempi di radar, sistemi satellitari, com- puter e GPS. È però proprio a causa di queste innovazioni tecnologiche che stanno diventano obsoleti e che si sta assistendo alla scomparsa della figura dei custodi. Queste strutture possono sembrare immortali e incorruttibili dagli elementi atmosferici, tut- tavia senza manutenzione a poco a poco si sgretolano e addirittura crollano. Capaci di suggestionare e influenzare pittori, scrittori e registi, oggi i fari sono sempre più auto- matizzati ma non smettono di affascinare donne e uomini che volentieri intraprende- rebbero la carriera di farista. O più prosaicamente, sceglierebbero un faro come meta di una vacanza ecosostenibile, per un segmento elitario di turismo balneare esperienziale.
Il faro: la parobala delle case della luce, dalla logistica marittima al turismo evoluto
Emilio Cocco
The lighthouse is a structure, usually a tower, equipped at the top of a system capable of emit- ting light signals of help and reference in navigation, consisting of a lamp and a system of lenses. Lighthouses are the most important of maritime signals. They are located near landing sites, dangerous places or other places where it is useful to have a significant point perceptible at a long distance during coastal navigation. They are clearly marked on nautical charts which also show their focal height, together with the characteristics of the light signal emitted which identifies them uniquely. They are certainly human engineering feats and heroic works, which remain so even in times of radar, satellite systems, computers and GPS. However, it is precisely because of these technological innovations that they are becoming obsolete and we are witness- ing the disappearance of the figure of the guardians. These structures may seem immortal and incorruptible by the elements, but without maintenance they gradually crumble and even collapse. Able to fascinate and influence painters, writers and directors, today the lighthouses are more and more automated, but they continue to fascinate women and men who would gladly undertake a career as a pharaoh. Or more prosaically, they would choose a lighthouse as a destination for an eco-sustainable holiday, for an elite segment of experiential seaside tourism.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.