"We Will Conquer Your Rome": Italy and the Vatican in the Islamic State's Propaganda
2023-01-01 Marone, F; Olimpio, M
A Farewell to Firearms? The Logic of Weapon Selection in Transnational Terrorism: The Case of Jihadist Attacks in Europe
2021-01-01 Marone, F
Between Paradise and Prison: External Secrecy and Visibility in Terrorist Organisations
2023-01-01 Marone, Francesco
Digital Jihad: Online Communication and Violent Extremism
2019-01-01 Marone, F
Dilemmas of the Terrorist Underworld: The Management of Internal Secrecy in Terrorist Organisations
2021-01-01 Marone, F
Europa a rischio terrorismo?
2024-01-01 Marone, F.
Examining the Narratives of Radical Islamists and Other Extremely Violent Groups: The Case of the “Islamic State”
2017-01-01 Marone, F
Hate in the time of coronavirus: exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent extremism and terrorism in the West
2022-01-01 Marone, Francesco
Il terrorismo di matrice jihadista nel XXI secolo
2024-01-01 Marone, F.
Jihadist Terrorism in Europe
2021-01-01 Marone, F
Left-Wing and Anarchist Extremism in Italy
2023-01-01 Marone, Francesco
L’impatto della transizione energetica sulle relazioni internazionali: una mappa preliminare
2024-01-01 Marone, F.
Notes from the Underground: Profiles and Mobilization Dynamics of Pro-Russia Western Fighters in the Donbas—Insights from Italy
2024-01-01 Marone, F.
Percorsi di radicalizzazione in Italia
2021-01-01 Marone, F
Populism and Euroscepticism in the Italian Five Star Movement
2015-01-01 Franzosi, P.; Marone, F; Salvati, E
Right-wing extremism and lone-actor violence in Italy: the case of the 2018 Macerata shooting
2023-01-01 Marone, Francesco
Self-Sacrifice and Martyrdom in Terrorism: Political and Religious Motives
2013-01-01 Marone, F
Tecnologie digitali e terrorismo: la minaccia del cyberterrorismo
2023-01-01 Marone, F.
The Italian Way of Counterterrorism: From a Consolidated Experience to an Integrated Approach
2017-01-01 Marone, F
Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Group Radicalisation in Italy's Jihadists Headed to Syria and Iraq
2017-01-01 Marone, F