Analysis of the survival determinants of university spin-offs in a cross-national sample
2022-01-01 Rodeiro-Pazos, David; Fernández-López, Sara; Jesús Rodríguez-Gulías, María; Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio
Board composition and innovation in university spin-offs. Evidence from the Italian context
2016-01-01 Prencipe, Antonio
Boosting circular economy via the b-corporation roads. The effect of the entrepreneurial culture and exogenous factors on sustainability performance
2023-01-01 Boffa, Danilo; Prencipe, Antonio; Papa, Armando; Corsi, Christian; Sorrentino, Mario
Corporate Governance and Capital Structure Interactions in New Technology-Based Firms. The Effects of Ownership Structure and Board of Directors on Firm’s Leverage
2015-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio
Corporate governance and the choice to take on the hybrid organizational model of the Benefit Company. Evidence from Italy
2021-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio; Boffa, Danilo
Corporate sustainability as a value leverage for crisis management - The hybrid organizational model of the Benefit Corporation in the context of the health emergency by COVID-19
2021-01-01 Prencipe, Antonio; Boffa, Danilo; Corsi, Christian
Creditworthiness of sustainable firms. An empirical analysis of the Italian Benefit Corporations
2024-01-01 Boffa, Danilo; Piccolo, Rossana; Prencipe, Antonio
Crisi e direttrici del cambiamento nel settore turistico-ricettivo: il ruolo del capitale intellettuale "sostenibile"
2022-01-01 Di Berardino, Daniela; Prencipe, Antonio; Cannito, Ilaria
Dinamiche ed elementi promuoventi l’innovazione nelle PMI agroalimentari. Analisi del contesto italiano
2016-01-01 Prencipe, Antonio
Do university Incubators Stimulate Innovation of University Spin-offs? An Analysis of Italian Firms
2016-01-01 Prencipe, Antonio
2019-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio
E-government and Participation: Public Engagement in Italian Government Websites
2023-01-01 DI BONAVENTURA, Jacopo; Prencipe, Antonio; Boffa, Danilo
Elements and Effects of the Corporate Governance on the Capital Structure in University Spin-Offs. Evidences from the Italian Context
2019-01-01 D'Amico, Luciano; Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio
Emerging elements and traits of a new hybrid organization model: the Certified Benefit Corporation: An exploratory analysis of the European context
2020-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio; Boffa, Danilo
Foreign ownership and innovation in independent SMEs. A cross-European analysis
2018-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio
Gender Inclusiveness and Female Representation on the Board of Directors of the Benefit Company Model: Evidence from Italy
2023-01-01 Boffa, Danilo; Prencipe, Antonio; D'Amico, Luciano; Corsi, Christian
Growth of KIBS and non-KIBS firms: evidences from university spin-offs
2019-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio; Rodríguez-Gulías, María Jesús; Rodeiro-Pazos, David; Fernández-López, Sara
High-tech entrepreneurial firms’ innovation in different institutional settings. Do venture capital and private equity have complementary or substitute effects?
2019-01-01 Corsi, Christian; Prencipe, Antonio
I caratteri di corporate governance e il loro impatto sulle performance innovative delle piccole e medie imprese in Abruzzo
2022-01-01 Prencipe, Antonio
I caratteri e i profili di diversità nella governance delle aziende quale contributo alla creazione del valore economico
2023-01-01 Prencipe, Antonio