77° Convegno della Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie (SISVET), svoltosi a Parma dal 12 al 14 giugno 2024
2024-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi
77° Convegno della Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie (SISVET), svoltosi a Parma dal 12 al 14 giugno 2024
2024-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Pennisi, Luca; Malatesta, Filiberto; Vergara, Alberto
A Quality Index Method-based evaluation of sensory quality of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and its shelf-life determination
2023-01-01 Lauteri, Carlotta; Ferri, Gianluigi; Pennisi, Luca
Antibacterial Effects of Thermosonication Technology on Salmonella typhimurium Strains Identified from Swine Food Chain: An In Vitro Study
2024-01-01 Pennisi, Luca; Ferri, Gianluigi; Lauteri, Carlotta; Di Clerico, Daniele; Vergara, Alberto
Antibiotic resistance in Italian poultry meat production chain: a one-health perspective comparing antibiotic free and conventional systems from the farming to the slaughterhouse
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Buonavoglia, Alessio; Farooq, Muhammad; Festino, Anna Rita; Ruffini, Fausto; Paludi, Domenico; Di Francesco, Cristina E.; Vergara, Alberto; Smoglica, Camilla
Antibiotic Resistance in the Finfish Aquaculture Industry: A Review
2022-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Lauteri, Carlotta; Vergara, Alberto
Antibiotic Resistance Profiles and ARG Detection from Isolated Bacteria in a Culture-Dependent Study at the Codfish Industry Level
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Lauteri, Carlotta; Scattolini, Mauro; Vergara, Alberto
ARGs Detection in Listeria Monocytogenes Strains Isolated from the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Food Industry: A Retrospective Study
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Lauteri, Carlotta; Festino, Anna Rita; Vergara, Alberto
Atti 76° Congresso Nazionale SISvet
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Giantomassi, Giorgia; Tognetti, Daniele; Olivastri, ALBERTO MARIO ALDO; Vergara, Alberto
Combined effect of tetracycline compounds and essential oils on antimicrobial resistant Salmonella enterica isolated from the swine food
2024-01-01 Maggio, Francesca; Lauteri, Carlotta; Rossi, Chiara; Ferri, Gianluigi; Serio, Annalisa; Vergara, Alberto; Paparella, Antonello
First Detection of Hepatitis E Virus RNA in Ovine Raw Milk from Herds in Central Italy
2024-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Pennisi, Luca; Malatesta, Filiberto; Vergara, Alberto
Hepatitis E virus detection in hunted wild boar (Sus scrofa) livers in Central Italy
2022-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Piccinini, Andrea; Olivastri, Alberto; Vergara, Alberto
Hepatitis E Virus Detection in Hunted Wild Boar Liver and Muscle Tissues in Central Italy
2022-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Lauteri, Carlotta; Festino, Anna Rita; Piccinini, Andrea; Olivastri, Alberto; Vergara, Alberto
Hepatitis E Virus in the Food of Animal Origin: A Review
2021-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Vergara, Alberto
Hepatitis E Virus RNA Detection from Hunted Wild Boars in Central Italy: an Epidemiological Investigation
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Giantomassi, Giorgia; Piccinini, Andrea; Olivastri, Alberto; Vergara, Alberto
Hepatitis E Virus RNA Detection in Liver and Muscle Tissues Sampled from Home Slaughtered Domestic Pigs in Central Italy
2024-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Giantomassi, Giorgia; Tognetti, Daniele; Olivastri, Alberto; Vergara, Alberto
Human enteric viruses’ detection in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) farmed in the central Adriatic Sea
2024-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Olivieri, Vincenzo; Vergara, Alberto
Igiene nei processi alimentari. Progettazione della sicurezza degli alimenti. Con ebook. Con risorse online
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Vergara, Alberto
III Congresso Nazionale Filiera delle carni di selvaggina selvatica | Foligno 10 • 11 • 12 maggio 2023
2023-01-01 Ferri, Gianluigi; Piccinini, Andrea; Vergara, Alberto
Intradiaphragmatic abscesses in a wild boar (Sus scrofa): Inspective implications based on anatomopathological evidences
2022-01-01 Piccinini, Andrea; Ferri, Gianluigi; Olivastri, Alberto; Rossi, Fabio; Festino, Anna Rita; Vergara, Alberto