Universita' degli Studi di TERAMO
Apgar Score for Newborn Dog Viability Assessment: Differences between English and French Bulldogs Born via Cesarean Section
2023-01-01 Veronesi, Maria Cristina; Bucci, Roberta; Probo, Monica; Faustini, Massimo; Fusi, Jasmine
Association between a singie measurement of progesterone and cortisoi biood concentrations at two to one weeic before parturition, and number of fetuses in the Teramana goat
2022-01-01 Probo, M.; Cotticelli, A.; Bucci, R.; Faustini, M.; Fusi, J.; Carluccio, A.
Association between a single measurement of progesterone and cortisol blood concentrations at two to one week before parturition, and number of fetuses in the Teramana goat
2021-01-01 Probo, M.; Cotticelli, A.; Bucci, R.; Faustini, M.; Fusi, J.; Carluccio, A
Clinical Trial on the Usefulness of On-Site Evaluation of Canine Fetal Fluids by Reagent Test Strip in Puppies at Elective Caesarean Section
2022-01-01 Fusi, J.; Bolis, B.; Probo, M.; Faustini, M.; Carluccio, A.; Veronesi, M. C.
Coat, Claw and Dewclaw 17-β-Estradiol and Testosterone Concentrations in Male and Female Postpubertal Cats: Preliminary Results
2023-01-01 Fusi, J.; Peric, T.; Probo, M.; Bucci, R.; Faustini, M.; Veronesi, M. C.
Comparative study on Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) plasma concentrations in new-born horse foals, donkey foals and calves
2017-01-01 S, Panzani; Carluccio, Augusto; Faustini, Massimo; A, Prandi; M, Probo; Veronesi, MARIA CRISTINA
Distributions of Conception and Parturition in Dogs According to the Lunar Phase
2025-01-01 Fusi, Jasmine; Bucci, Roberta; Probo, Monica; Faustini, Massimo; Veronesi, Maria Cristina
Effect of Delivery by Emergency or Elective Cesarean Section on Nitric Oxide Metabolites and Cortisol Amniotic Concentrations in at Term Normal Newborn Dogs: Preliminary Results
2021-01-01 Fusi, Jasmine; Carluccio, Augusto; Peric, Tanja; Faustini, Massimo; Prandi, Alberto; Veronesi, Maria Cristina
2022-01-01 Giangaspero, BRUNELLA ANNA; Bucci, Roberta; Probo, Monica; D'Angelo, Michela; Ippedico, GRAZIANO ANTONIO; Faustini, Massimo; Robbe, Domenico; Carluccio, Augusto
Selected metabolic and hormonal profiles during maintenance of spontaneous ovarian cysts in dairy cows
2011-01-01 Probo, M.; Comin, A.; Cairoli, Fausto; Faustini, M.; Kindahl, H.; De Amicis, I.; Veronesi, M. C.